Rosie Haus Florist

Rosie Haus Florist, Melbourne website

When Rosie Haus Florist approached us, they already had a Wix website. However, they were looking for something that would set them apart from other florists and event stylists. They wanted a website that was as unique and creative as the floral arrangements they craft.

A Palette Beyond Tradition

Design Grid Digital Marketing took on the challenge to build a website that would reflect Rosie Haus Florist’s distinct style and creativity. We chose a colour scheme that defied traditional florist norms, opting for hues that showcased their artistic flair.

All-in-One Solution

Beyond the aesthetics, we provided Rosie Haus Florist with an all-in-one package that included setting up their domain, hosting, and email addresses. This comprehensive approach ensured that Kathy, the owner, could focus on what she does best—creating beautiful floral arrangements—while we took care of the digital details.

A Blooming Success

The end result is a website that not only stands out in a crowded market but also makes Kathy extremely happy. It’s a digital space that truly embodies the creativity and uniqueness of Rosie Haus Florist.

Ready to get started on you new web design project?

New site, refreshing an existing website or requiring other digital marketing services, Design Grid is here to help. 

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